Saturday, April 13, 2013

Humble Orthodoxy

I recently had the pleasure of reading Joshua Harris' new book Humble Orthodoxy. First of all I have to say that I couldn't have asked for a better book to come along at just the right time. For a long time I've felt the conviction of cross-denominational unity and I've made it a personal mission to not 'discriminate' against any Christian brother or sister who happens to go and participate in a congregation that believes some things differently from me. All that being said, Joshua Harris' new book Humble Orthodoxy is a book that I think every theologian, minister, really every Christian should read this book. It isn't a very big commitment, lasting on around 60 or so pages before you get to the study notes and index, and is a very quick read!

In this book Harris exposes the easy temptation to learn theology and bash others who disagree with our conclusions and beliefs. Even though he seems more 'reformed' than I am, I can honestly say that I agree side-by-side with him on this issue. I love how seriously he takes this matter, pushing his readers to evaluate him/herself and see whether he/she really is honoring God with what they are doing. So often have I fell into the trap of thinking less of someone else because they didn't agree with me on a certain issue, but over the years God's shown me that thinking and looking down on my brothers and sisters isn't honoring him, but is actually an act of boosting my pride and my own self.

Harris' book is a great piece of literature for our day. There are many people who are so caught up on learning something just for the sole purpose of proving another brother/sister wrong, and Harris correctly exposes this as wrong. Holding firm to the truth, orthodoxy, is CRUCIAL! However living a life of humility and love and gently correcting those who are wrong about ESSENTIALS of the Christian faith is just as CRUCIAL! Never before have I read a book that addresses this issue of maintaining humility and truth in one's life as clearly, concisely, and effectively as this book from Joshua Harris. I HIGHLY recommend this book! You won't regret it! In fact, you'll be wishing there was more! =)

I received a copy of this book to review by Water Brook and Multnomah Books.