Wednesday, August 28, 2019

"Blessed are you college student(s)..."

This past Sunday, we held our first Sunday night service of the semester/year. I thought it went pretty well, and I've had some students still talking about some of the conversation we had that evening. I wanted to share with you what I wrote and ended the teaching with, in hopes that maybe it would be a blessing/help for you or someone you know. I did my best to remain accurate to the original text in terms of the overall message, but coupled it with some artistic liberty/flair to try and embody what Jesus would want today's college students to hear if He were speaking today. I'll leave this with you and pray you are refreshed in the grace and goodness of our God!


5.1-2 – Seeing the great mass of students, Jesus went up the hill. And sitting, everyone gathered around him. Opening His mouth to teach, He said

5.3 – You who are miserable, oppressed, and utterly depressed, cheer up! Because you have a home with me.

5.4 – You who are stressed out to the point of tears, cheer up and breathe! Your performance in school doesn’t matter nearly as much to me as you do.

5.5 – You who feel alone and excluded, cheer up! I will give you a family who will never leave or exclude you.

5.6 – You who are drowning in debt for just pursuing your calling/dream(s), cheer up! I will provide for you.

5.7 – You who are patient with those who just don’t seem to learn, cheer up! I’m excited by your example.

5.8 - You who are excluded, taken advantage of, and made fun of because you look/long for the positives in life and avoid sketchy situations, cheer up! You’re someone I want to sit down with over coffee and meet with no hidden agenda. I just want to know you!

5.9 - You who are ostracized for doing the right thing, especially when it’s not popular, cheer up! I’d be proud to call you my own!

5.10 - You who are targeted for your convictions, by others who are both religious and not, cheer up! I want to show you what true love looks like in my Kingdom.

5.11-12 - And you who already one of mine, when you singled out, framed, and utterly destroyed by others who aren’t a part of my Kingdom, cheer up! Rejoice in knowing that the forces of darkness are intimidated by your allegiance to me, and this is why they are using those held captive to remove you. Remember the example of those who have shared your inheritance. God was with them and see how He moved. Know this fact, He’s with you too!

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