Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Blog Update

Of the course of its lifespan, this blog has underwent a number of changes. Each change has lead to a very different 'blogging experience', some good and some not so much. Recently however, I came to the conclusion that it was time for yet another change. I recently have been feeling the conviction to get back into the practice of writing blogs. I've also always found myself pondering questions that I thought it would be fun to share with people and have them join me in wrestling with them. That being said, I never really blogged on my ideas and questions because I would always forget about them whenever I had time to blog. I've decided to adopt a practice that many of my former professors mentioned when I was in school and that some of my friends currently do to help with that. Are you ready to hear what that is? Here it comes.... I'm going to write it down and blog on it when I have my next free time! What a novel concept right? All joking aside, I think this is going to be exciting for me, and hopefully for you as well. This being said, however, there are probably going to be times when I write something that might 1) not make sense to you (let's be real... if my teaching is any indication of my ability to rationalize things in a coherent way, you'll be lost 95% of the time when reading this thing... =) ...) or 2) create a little bit of tension. This being said I wanted write this blog post as a disclaimer and let it serve to prepare you and help you understand a little bit as to why I am doing this. The biggest reason I'm doing this is to once again be involved in the create writing realm (a big reason for my desire for this is because I have found that it helps me wrestle with creativity and come up with new ways to explain things and looking at things). However a secondary reason for this is that I'm going to open up this blog for the college students to be able to read, and one of my core values in ministry is critical thinking. I want to present them with an environment where they can ask questions and get responses, where they can read my thoughts or insights (as unimpressive as they may be) on particular passages or theological concepts that I've been mulling over, in hopes that maybe SOMETHING they read or interact with will help them grow closer to Christ. Maybe it will be the simplest of concepts or maybe it'll be the most complicated idea. Regardless, my life's desire is that when people interact with me (whether it be in person or through some sort of digital interface), they not only see Christ but they move closer to Him. I hope that you will enjoy reading, wrestling with, and interact with this 'new' blog just as much as I hope to. I will continue to add reviews of books that I've been reading via Goodreads (which if you don't know what that is, CHECK IT OUT!... It's like social media for book-readers!!) I will also periodically add in some kind of ministry update, but let's be honest... I struggled with those on here, haha.. (but hey, maybe that will change too!!!). =)  Here's to the 'new' and... (hopefully).... the faith-enriching direction of my blog. As always, thanks for reading!! =)


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