Monday, October 14, 2019

Review: Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation

Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation by LaTasha Morrison
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a very good read. That being said, this is also one of the heaviest reads I've read in a while. There were more than a few times when I audibly gasped in response to some of the history that Morrison brought up to emphasize her point of the need of this conversation. There were even times when I had to put the book down to process what I read because I felt sick to my stomach at what I had just read. Other than those moments, the book was hard to put down. Morrison writes in a clear, engaging manner and she pours her heart (and all the emotions with it) into her work. You can certainly tell she has been given a gift and passion from God to pursue and be a leading voice in the process of racial reconciliation.

All in all, this is a very heavy, but important book. I know there are some who may read this and come back and say that she's way too strong with her words, or that she's over exaggerating with her stance and recommendation on our response as Christians to the issue of racial injustice around us. I don't believe a person can read this book and leave not affected by her words. You certainly shouldn't read this book and then walk away without any desire to join the fight of reconciliation with which Jesus calls us to be front runners. I also LOVE how she incorporates liturgy within her book. It's a great practice to go through individually, and even better in a group/congregational setting! I highly recommend this book, but you should certainly make sure you're in a place where you can read it with an open mind, and with a willingness to be empathetic (not just sympathetic) to the issues and injustice other people are experiencing, and have experienced for too long of a time.

I received an advance reading copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Review: Sit, Walk, Stand

Sit, Walk, Stand Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I heard about this book from my mentor. It's a really short read. You could probably read it MUCH faster that I did. What Nee does in this book is essentially summarize the message of the book of Ephesians in three words: sit, walk, stand. Using these three words, Nee walks through the message of the letter and emphasizes how we as Christians should be living out the message from it that is easy to neglect.

We must first realize that right now, we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies. We must understand and believe this before we are to do anything as a disciple of Jesus. It is only from the posture of 'seated with Christ' can a Christian hope to excel progress within the 'walk' and 'stand' areas.

Next, we are to 'walk' in this world in a way that reflects the position we have in Christ, and His lordship over all.

Finally, we 'stand' against the enemy. Standing insinuates that we CURRENTLY hold conquered ground, and we maintain it. Christ has already won the victory, we obey and live faithfully to Him as we take a stand against the evil one.

All in all, this is a pretty good book that is a great outline for a short series on Ephesians, which is was we're about to use it for here at the campus ministry. =)

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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Review: Jesus in Me: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion

Jesus in Me: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion Jesus in Me: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion by Anne Graham Lotz
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

First off, the pros:

This book is very easy to read and get through. There's nothing that's going to cause you to have to stop, pull out a dictionary of some sort or look stuff up in a lexicon. Anne does a great job of weaving her thoughts together with good stories and examples. I found it easy to stay engaged because of her writing style and heart (which is VERY visible through her words). There hasn't been a more genuine book that I've read recently where you can actually feel the author's heart behind what she's writing.

Things that weren't for me:

There were a handful of times where I diverged from hermetical conclusions that were drawn. I'm always going to mention something like this when I come across it, only because I value biblical exegesis so much. Nonetheless, were they areas that would cause division? No. I fellowship with many people who would hold similar beliefs as Anne does, and I love them dearly. However I value conversations about where we disagree, in loving and respectful ways.

Overall, this is a decent book. I had never read anything by Anne Lotz before, so I really didn't know what to expect. If you're looking for a detailed, in-depth look at the Holy Spirit, this book probably isn't for you. You'll probably be frustrated and disappointed at the lack of what you're looking for. However, it's clear to me that writing such a book was never Anne Lotz's intention. She wanted to write a book dealing with the PRACTICAL side for us of our engagement with the Holy Spirit, and she has done just that. This is a great book for someone looking for an easy to follow, practical, not TOO over the top introduction to the Holy Spirit and the ministry that He works in the life of a believer. If you're looking for a book that'll fit that bill, then this one might very well be for you!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review.

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