My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I started this book a number of years ago. This week I'm purposfully taking the week to intentionally study and work on material for the upcoming school year. This was the first book that I wanted to read when re-visiting Revelation in preparation for a class I'm teaching this fall. While I have already encountered much (if not all) of the material (mostly due to students of Dr. Lowery whom I've read/listened to), this book is still a vital resource for anyone looking to read and learn more about the last 'book' we have in the Bible. Dr. Lowery does a masterful job at helping students of the Scriptures, both new and old alike, approach Revelation with level headedness and humilty in order to seek out understading and truth. In addition to the methods and 'tools' Dr. Lowery provides in this short little book, he also provides an extensive list of Old Testament allusions found within Revelation. This feature alone is well worth the book! Overall, I highly recommend this (as a starter or as a refresher) if you are engaging with Revelation on any level.
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