My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I wrote a better review but it was all deleted without saving. This is my shorter (probably not as good) review because my wrist is hurting, haha. =)
This book is satire. People of said it, it's worth saying again. It's important to know if you're planning on reading this book and taking everything it says seriously. That being said, it does do a fantastic job poking fun at REAL issues today by painting them in an outrageous light. Hence the satire. I have college students sending me articles all the time from the Babylon Bee, and the same humor you've come to expect from those are on nearly every page of this book! I found myself chuckling and laughing out loud quite a bit. I sometimes think about if I were to teach at a university what books would I use to teach with. This would be a book that I would have students use to do a project on. With the engaging humor and the over-the-top satire of it, I think it provides a perfect opportunity for students (and everyone else) to look at the outrageousness of it and follow the thread back to reality and evaluate if we (even if subconsciously) actually believe/act in these ways. Anyway, funny book, makes you think about how Christians today can appear and portray themselves, defiantly worth the read. If you pick up a copy, sit back and enjoy!
"I received this book from the publisher through their book launch program."
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