Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Good Old Kentucky

Hello all! Currently, I'm sitting in a nice little McDonald's in Kentucky typing out this blog for you guys. Why you ask? Why not? Haha, just kidding! This week I'm down at KCU for my last 'on-campus' Master's Class of this degree! WOO HOOOOO!!! I'm sitting at the McDonald's because for some reason or another, my computer has rejected nearly every wi-fi network I've attempted to connect to, EXCEPT MCDONALDS! I find that fairly ironic, but hey, at least I'm able to get on SOMEWHERE!

Anyway, I just wanted to update you all on some of the happenings in the life of the Willis Family. Emily's currently in Lexington, KY with her best friend/roommate from college, Leah Amerine, visiting another good friend who just had a baby last week. If you ask me, this might be baby overload... jk! ;) But Emily's doing well, or at least as well I suppose that one can be when pregnant! She's had a few concerning pains here and there, and of course that vile sciatic nerve has ALREADY began to give her problems, but the doctors been able to help you accommodate these things and get through them. Currently, I'm doing an online Bible-Study/Devotional series with the college students. Something I challenged them with before we broke for the summer was to stay active in the Word and to spend time with God daily. With the exception of a week at camp with no internet and a few days here and there because of traveling or my own forgetfulness, I've been able to get on and write up a post about a particular passage. We've already gone through the book of Ephesians and right now we're going through the book of Job, set to go over chapter 29 tomorrow. I'm not doing anything TOO in-depth because of the limitations of the online format and time, but it's proven to be a pretty good experience. I've been held accountable to stay in the Word more frequently because of this too, so it's certainly been a plus for me! I've gotten messages and texts from students saying that they are really enjoying this, or that they've been without internet for the past couple of days and they're really excited to be back and get caught up. These messages have certainly been a source of encouragement!

In other news, Emily and I were able to purchase a new car! Well, not NEW new, but new for us! The worship leader at our church is neighbors with a mechanic who fixes up cars on the side, once he comes from work. He was told about our situation and wanted to help us out, so he fixed up a car for us and sold it to us for $1,000. Not only that, but he also paid for our state inspection and is letting us pay off the car in payments each month of however much we can afford! We were praying for something like this because of the need of having an alternate mode of transportation in case Emily needed to go to the doctor and I wasn't able to go get her, and God provided this opportunity and moved this guy to really bless us with this car. It's just amazing to think about! =) So anyways, Emily and I are now proud owners of a 1995 Buick Park Avenue. WOO HOO! God is good! =)

Well, that's the big highlights for what's been going on here with Emily and I. I hope you've enjoyed reading this, and feel free to comment below or email me! =) God bless!!!
