Thursday, January 26, 2012

Book Review: 'A Tale of Two Sons'

Something that I hope to start doing is share with you all my thoughts on various books that I'm reading, whether for CSF studies, my Master's schooling, or just for leisure. So here's the first one! Hope you enjoy!!! =)

I just finished reading John MacArthur's book "A Tale of Two Sons." Let me just say off the get-go, that this book was very enjoyable! I have always been a big fan of Luke 15, and the parable of the prodigal son has also been my favorite parable that Jesus taught. Saying that, I had read many articles and books about this parable, but this book shed a new light on it that I had never before thought about. To keep from spoiling it and ruining a great read for you, I will say that after reading this book I can now picture just how accurate this parable is to a 'life-script,' meaning that since Jesus never concluded the story, we all get to pick our own endings within our life.

MacArthur presents the parable of the prodigal son in a way that teaches you so much more about the background of the story. He goes in depth, explaining just how Jesus' words would have been received and understood by the original hearers. I never knew just how much background information existed that was just understood and did not have to be communicated because of the culture and way of life in that day. From the hidden meaning behind the younger son's words of wanting his share the inheritance, to the realizing that the firstborn (eldest) son was just as rebellious as the prodigal son, just expressing it in a different way!

Overall I recommend this book to anyone who's wanting to learn more about Jesus' parables, but who may have a hard time reading purely academic-like books on them. 'A Tale of Two Sons' is an easy read that provides information while at the same time creating a desire within you to want to turn the page and keep reading!

New Semester

So we're finally back!!! Last night was the first CSF service of the new year, and it was a blast! We had 34 students come out and participate, and we began our semester series on figuring out what we believe as Christians. I'm super excited for the semester and everything that God's doing and going to be doing here this semester! Our guy's bible study is going to be starting back up come a week from Monday (2/6), and we're going to be wading our way through the book of Revelation. I'm also starting a new, intensive group, that's open to everyone but isn't for everyone. This group is going to be heavy discipleship and students will be able to either come and meet in a group on Sunday afternoons before our weekly game night, or they can set up a time each week that they will be able to meet with me one-on-one that will fit their schedules. This group is an opportunity for some students to be stretched spiritually. I'm really excited about it starting up as well! I would appreciate any prayers that you guys would offer up for this semester, the students here at LHU, and for Emily and me. If you want to check out some of the things we're doing here at LHU, be sure to check out our webpage,! Until next time!!! =)
